Month: January 2018

Storing Your Trailer When Not in Use

shutterstock_97862357If you love adventure, it’s likely that you own a trailer. Whether you use it to tow a boat, an ATV, a golf cart, a motorcycle, a waverunner or any other fun piece of equipment, you should make sure it is properly stored when not in use. Here are some important tips for storing your trailer when not using it so that it does not rust, have parts broken, or gets stolen.

Use a Garage

If you have enough room, put the unused trailer in your garage. You might have to move a vehicle outside but it will protect the trailer. Trailers can rust, which is why they should be stored inside when not in use. If you cannot get them inside a garage, try to cover them completely with a tarp to protect them from the elements. Also, if left outdoors, remove all loose trailer parts and store them in your garage.

Storage Facility

If you don’t have the room in your garage or in a shed, consider renting a storage unit big enough to hold a trailer. This will protect the trailer from the elements, from being stolen, and from being damaged by any storms or vandals. You will also be able to store items on the trailer in the storage unit, giving you more space in your garage, shed, or basement. You can even store your trailer axles in the unit.

Check Parts

It’s best to check all the parts of the trailer prior to storing it. Be sure they are not broken, rusted, or have any other issues. If you don’t check the parts before storing the trailer, be sure to do so when you bring it out of storage for the first time. This helps reduce the risk of the trailer breaking or coming disconnected when it is being towed.

Equipment for Your ATV

Dirty motorcycle motocross helmet with goggles

Owning an ATV is a lot of fun. A lot of fun. You can fly through dirt, mud, water, and just about any other type of terrain with ease. Some of the best riding is done with a group of family members or friends. The safest riding is done after you’ve inspected your ATV or other pieces of powersports equipment to ensure that all of the parts are operating correctly. Here are some tips for keeping your equipment running smoothly.

Check Before Each Ride

The best way to find an issue with your ATV is to check it prior to each ride. You should never go on a ride without checking your ATV first. Look for broken parts, leaks, rust, and other issues that could lead to a serious problem if you operate the ATV. Replace any broken parts immediately. Fix all leaks and document all areas affected by rust.

Change Fluids

An ATV is just like a car or motorcycle. It needs to have its fluids changed. If you haven’t ridden the ATV in months it’s a good idea to change the oil and any other fluids prior to going out for a ride. If you ride the ATV often, be sure to change the oil every couple of months, sometimes more because of the dirt that can get in it.

Check Tires

Preventing a tragic accident can be done by checking the tires for ATV prior to riding. Check the tire pressure before each ride. Add air if needed. Check the treads on the tires and replace the tires if they are cracked, damaged, or worn down. The tires are important parts of the ATV that keep it moving properly. You don’t want to take any risks with old or damaged tires.

Follow these tips the next time you head out for a ride on your ATV.